After graduating, and with the advice of his family, he began studying Business Management. Within 3 months he realised this was not for him, and chose to study Drama. He regrets not taking Art as a study, but by this time he was receiving extra mural art classes, and the Drama helped him to work on an anti-social, overly introverted shy nature. Following family hardships and the divorce of his parents, his perseverance helped him grow confident despite. It was time for Mikhail to be more expressive.
Studying Art classes for a year and a half, Mikhail liked to paint and do drawings in his own time expressing on paper the artistic and moody side of his life. Studying various religions and spiritual paths at this time, and he got involved in the creative world of alternative art and music.

Nina Simone
While in his final year in Fairmont High, Durbanville, not really the hub of artistic expression. He started experimenting with chemicals. "I was not like other people though, I would get really compulsive with something, abuse it for a short period, get depressed and bored , leave it and move on to the next. It was a horrible time , being dependent, I went to a few rehabs, and was on medication a big chunk of my life." He explains, "I wanted people to make me happy, and I wasn't focusing on my own passion, I had no motivation to do anything creative and that’s what got me, really got me."
Things got really serious before Mikhail moved back to Pretoria. He went on to study graphic design and gained extensive knowledge to pursue different aspects of web design, while continuing to indulge in his passion for painting. He then joined "Xtreme Freedom House" regeneration for 8 months in 2011 and 2012, an experience which brought real motivation and focus and with this renewed energy Mikhail found a comfortable live-in and working space at the Retro Café, where he helps with functions and enjoys his spare time focusing on art. He has become an inspiration to many youths, being clean for over a year and really doing great.
Finding a profound love for art, especially subversive African Art, Mikhail regularly attends art exhibitions around Pretoria.
"I really enjoyed the “Woman of the world” exhibition at the Feint lifestyle Gallery recently. I loved Louis Van Den Heever, among other Artists. I also love the whole Superstroke+ movement going on now with Conrad Bo."
His future plan is to study a course on the History of Art and currently he is finalizing a 2014 solo exhibition and he has a few other group exhibitions to share his work.
Mikhail's story has been one of courage, relative to a lot of people's lives. It is a confident and strong step towards a bright community of people when someone can share their private works, their ideas and their beliefs.
Please check out Mikhail's work below and share your thoughts!


Caught Redhanded

Caught Redhanded II

The Kiss

Wasted Grandma

Amy Winehouse

Courtney Love